The most convenient and trouble-free network setting for VMware images is NAT. The default setting useDHCP for the VMs meaning that when more then one VM gets started (like in UDA or when palying with Hadoop clusters) IP addresses get randomized. Creating fixed IP addresses works around this, but means that we may have to change the default VMWare palyer subent used for NAT. The script below will do this automatically, changing it to 192.168.100.x
vnetlib.exe -- stop nat
vnetlib.exe -- stop dhcp
vnetlib.exe -- set vnet vmnet8 mask
vnetlib.exe -- set vnet vmnet8 addr
vnetlib.exe -- set adapter vmnet8 addr
vnetlib.exe -- set nat vmnet8 internalipaddr
vnetlib.exe -- update dhcp vmnet8
vnetlib.exe -- update nat vmnet8
vnetlib.exe -- update adapter vmnet8
vnetlib.exe -- start dhcp
vnetlib.exe -- start nat